The ME Game & the Purpose of Life

I often find myself lost in thought, percolating on concepts, ideas, trivia, meanings, music, recent books, articles, movies, conversations, and… well you get the idea. The other day, while cleaning out old files from my phone, I came across an un-named audio...

The Struggle to Be More Authentic

We all struggle with being more authentic. It comes from a deep desire to express ourselves more fully and have others do the same. But, at the same time, it’s often easier to not step out, speak up, or to behave in less authentic ways rather than risk letting others...

Becoming Unapologetically You

“There is nothing more beautiful than seeing a person being themselves. Imagine going through your day being unapologetically you.” -Steve Maraboli Think about it:  Unapologetically. You.  There’s a sense of freedom in it. Freedom from...

The Courage to be Authentic

What could be riskier than diving out of an airplane or climbing a glacier-covered peak or accelerating a race car into a curve at the Indy 500?  For one person it might be quitting a secure, well-paying job to go back to school. For another, it could be deciding...