, My Personal & Professional Motto:

Life is about learning, growing, and becoming. As I practice and integrate what I learn and teach, I am better able to guide and empower others to also become their true Self and live their best life.

 My Story

Maybe like you, I’ve spent way too many decades berating myself for NOT being the person I really wanted to be. Feeling bad about taking so long to get my ‘act’ together or full of regret for past mistakes.

Then add to that, an underlying feeling of not being ‘enough’ or being defective in some way (because of what I imagined others thought of me.)

Yet still, I kept searching for The Truth (Big T) that would somehow ‘save’ me.

The only thing I remember from college Western Civilization classes is my realization halfway through:  There is no Ultimate Truth. Because it seemed to me that each period in history claimed to have THE truth or, in other words, THE best way to Do Life.

Yet still, I kept searching… devouring works by Joel Goldsmith and other New Thought leaders, Gregg Braden, Marianne Williamson, A Course in Miracles… lining my bookshelves with a plethora of self-help books and investing in dozens of healing and personal growth modalities.

Then I discovered Hypnosis, and everything shifted.

Learning about the conscious and subconscious mind and how the brain works helped me realize I was not broken or defective. And that ‘who I was’ – (and who I Am) – is just fine.

The ‘problem’ was the internal programming or conditioning that was causing the yearning and discontent inside me. While part of me wanted one thing (consciously), another, much larger part (the subconscious) was countering my every move forward. And that I was, literally, living my life based on old, outdated ‘software’ or paradigms.

Through the advanced hypnotherapy, and Mind-Body Psychology training, I’ve learned that most problems we face in life are about habits and mindset. They are learned or conditioned ways of responding to life through our thinking, feeling, and behaviors. This conditioning becomes our ‘life script’ or paradigm. In other words, our own personalized way of “doing life.”

 And those ‘rules for life’ work for us…. until they don’t. Because at some point we outgrow them. We begin to feel a longing and a discontent about our life – like something is missing or a sense that there could be more. Or we just get tired of the struggle or fighting that invisible ‘something’ that seems to hold us back. We start wanting more out of life.

But here’s the good news:

When you get all Parts of yourself going in the same direction, miracles happen!

 Are you ready for a change?

No matter where you are in life, whatever circumstance or condition you’re facing, whatever discontent you’re sensing, you – the Real You – is greater than that. And your ‘longing’ for expansion, more life, more health, more love, more…. is a natural urge we all have – an enate longing to become Who We Really Are. You deserve to live a life of fulfillment and joy.

So, whether you have a personal improvement goal or the urgent need to find a healthy more fulfilling life path, the therapeutic use of hypnosis, imagery and mindfulness is the most powerful resource I know to comfortably and efficiently assist you to achieve your goals. Come join me on a journey of exploration into the natural healing properties of your mind, body and spirit.  

 When we let go of the struggle, we discover that we already have everything we need to find the peace we long for. And from that place of peace, right action can naturally follow.

 When you’re ready to start your Transformation Journey, I’m here for you.

Call me for a free phone or zoom consultation to ask questions and explore further the potential of our partnership in success.