From Consultation to First Session: What to Expect in Your Hypnotherapy Journey

Taking the first step towards hypnotherapy is both exciting and important. To help you understand what happens between your initial consultation and your first hypnotherapy session, we’ve outlined the process at the Center for Inner Wellness. This guide will give you a clear picture of how we work together to achieve your goals.

  1. Consultation: The Discovery Session
    When you reach out for a consultation, whether by phone or by signing up for a Zoom Discovery Session, here’s what to expect:

    • Discuss Your Needs: We’ll talk about the issue you’re seeking help with, how you’ve dealt with it in the past, and what led you to consider hypnotherapy.
    • Define Your Goals: We’ll explore what you want to achieve. What will success look and feel like for you once this issue is resolved?
    • Introduction to Hypnosis: I’ll provide a brief overview of what hypnosis is, what it isn’t, and address any concerns you may have.
    • Next Steps: We’ll schedule your first appointment and discuss what happens next.
  2. Follow-Up: Preparing for Your First Session
    After scheduling your appointment, you’ll receive a confirmation email with important information to help you prepare:

    • New Client Forms: These forms must be filled out and returned before your first session. They include:
      • New Client Questionnaire: Information about your contact details, the presenting issue, its history, medical information, and important people in your life.
      • Acknowledgement of Services: Details about fees, payment, cancellation policies, and what to expect in your first session.
      • Confidentiality and Responsibilities: Understanding our co-creative relationship and your role in your progress, including completing any assigned homework and using discussed strategies.
    • Additional Resources:
      • A link to my online platform with more information about hypnotherapy sessions.
      • A pre-session activity to help you start thinking about the transformation you want.
      • Directions to my office and what to expect upon arrival. For Zoom sessions, guidance on how to prepare and set up for your session.
  3. First Session: Getting Started with Hypnotherapy
    During your first session, here’s what typically happens:

    • In-Depth Discussion: We’ll revisit your presenting issue and refine your goals and desired outcomes.
    • Pre-Induction Talk: I’ll explain what hypnosis involves, address any remaining questions or concerns, and prepare you for the process.
    • The Hypnosis Process: We’ll begin with the hypnosis process, including trance induction, suggestions, deepeners, and post-hypnotic suggestions.
    • Post-Hypnosis Discussion: After hypnosis, we’ll discuss your experience, assign any homework, and schedule your next appointment. Payment will be processed at this time.

Additional Notes

  • Research: Many people have done some research on hypnosis before contacting me. You might have been referred by a friend, family member, or healthcare professional, or you may have found me through a Google search.
  • Expectations: Your journey with hypnotherapy is collaborative. Your active participation and openness are key to achieving the best results.

By understanding this process, you’ll be well-prepared for your hypnotherapy journey and ready to make the most of your sessions. If you have any questions or need further clarification, don’t hesitate to contact me today or schedule your Discovery Session.

Looking forward to working with you!